Friends of Johnston Update
How often today do you hear of a conservation SUCCESS story?
Just beyond the treeline bordering Route 191 and Santee Mill Road sits an endangered parcel of land– Camel’s Hump Farm on the Johnston Estate.
This land, once planned for commercial development as a strip mall and apartment complex, harbors the history of Archibald Johnston, our first mayor of Bethlehem and president of Bethlehem Steel Company, and the serenity of native plants and wildlife engaged in their natural habitat.
The Friends of Johnston, a nonprofit charitable organization, is working to purchase this farm as a commitment to save and restore it for the benefit of our community. We will focus on programming in: historic and cultural preservation; health, wellness, and hunger relief; environmental education and job-skills training; habitat restoration and stewardship; and community and economic de-velopment.
Making a lasting difference in our community begins with the support of our community. Nearly $2.3 million has been secured to date for the acquisition of the farm from State, local and community sources. Now we need help with reno-vation and restoration. Please show your support and pay it forward for future generations by volunteering your time, talents or treasures today to save one of the last open spaces in Bethlehem.
For more information, please visit our web-site at or call Victoria at 484-241-6117.