Lehigh River Tributary

The study this year is documented in a video that is posted
on the Sierra Club facebook page.
We focused on nitrate and temperature this year. Results are tabulated at right along with a satellite view of the location of the creeks. Nitrate is a pollutant from agricultural or fertilizer runoff and is considered harmful if > 10 ppm.
We see the Fells creek has the highest observed value with Coplay and Jordan also relatively high. Further work is planned to try and determine the source of the nitrate contamination.
The Pohopoco is the refrigerator of the Lehigh given cool temps and high flow and The Catasauqua is also quite cool but the point sampled was near a spring so is lower than typical for the creek.
We had used the probe to collect pH and specific conductance as well but unfortunately the electronic data files were not saved properly and lost.